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Signs of an Unhealthy Engine

Whenever you watch a movie about cars, the one vehicle with the busted engine is always the butt of the jokes. We like to laugh at the guy who has a car with an unhealthy engine, yet admire how long the car lasts. As everybody knows, Hollywood is often very different from real life. In the real world, it is important that you can identify the signs of an unhealthy engine so that you can get the problem fixed.

That “check engine” light beeping in your car should not be ignored, because it is an important sign that your engine needs a good look. Taking your car to a reliable automotive shop is key to identifying problems before they come up and making the necessary repairs. A good engine will keep your car’s fuel efficiency high without excessive emissions. You might even need to buy some parts to replace the engine and guarantee that your car will last you for a long time.

Consider this: You will pay a lot more money in the near future if you do not fix your engine problems now. Even if your modern car has a light that tells you when your engine needs to be fixed, you need to know about the signs of an unhealthy engine. Here they are:


If you see any fluids coming out of your engine, that is a sure sign that something is seriously wrong with your engine. Make sure you leave your car parked on a clean surface overnight to see if it’s a leak or something else. This is not a problem you should be trying to self-diagnose. Take your car to a trusted mechanic and let them fix your car for you.

You can also look at the fluid itself to see if the engine is running properly. The oil should be a somewhat transparent brown that flows. Any discolorations or clumps in the fluid tells you that your engine is not running the way that it should.

Emission Gas

Here, you are looking for any oddities in the volume of gas emitted or the color of the gas. If your engine is running as it should, the emission gas should be clear, and there should not be any smoke coming out of the exhaust. If you see any coloration in the gas, see a mechanic about it right away.

“Weird Sounds”

Have you ever noticed your engine making weird sounds while you are driving or trying to start the car? If so, you’re probably on to something. A car with a well-functioning engine should not have any struggle to start, nor should there be any knocking sounds. “Knocking” is a common term heard among car repair specialists, because the engine will make a distinct knocking sound when it is not working well.

Belt Damage

You should inspect your engine with your own eyes and ensure that the belts are working properly. If the belts are worn out, they will break, and this will cause damage to your engine. A monthly check of your belts should do the trick and prevent you from missing any signs of wear and tear.

Dirty Air Filter

Your air filter is responsible for preventing any debris outside your car from contaminating your engine. If it is dirty, you are increasing the likelihood of your engine being damaged by outside debris. Make sure that you clean out your air filters regularly.

If you ever see any of these signs and take your car to someone who can properly run performance diagnostics on your engine, make sure to tell them everything you can. With more information, they can do a better job of fixing your engine and finding any additional problems that you may have missed. Your engine should be checked at least once a year regardless of your “check engine” lights blinking or not.

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