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How to Clean Your Tires

Cleaning your tires is about more than just helping them look good. Removing brake dust and other debris helps prevent damage that could shorten the life of your tires. So, what's the best way to clean your tires without damaging them or your wheels? Here are the top tips from Mavis Tires & Brakes on how to clean your tires.

Tips for Cleaning Your Tires

First, you should keep rags that you only use on your tires and no other part of your vehicle. Why? For one, brake dust can stain the rags. More importantly, brake dust and debris can scratch your car.

Next, spray your tires with water, then apply an approved tire cleaning solution. Don't use any products that list raw silicone or formaldehyde as ingredients because they can cause tire rubber to deteriorate. Allow the cleaner to stay on the tire for a while to help break up the dirt and grime.

Scrub the tires with a soft or medium brush. Using a stiff brush may scratch your wheels.

Finally, rinse the tires and brush, then dry your tires with a microfiber cloth to help prevent water spots.

Get New Tires in Mavis Tires & Brakes

When you were washing your tires, did you notice the tread depth is a little low? If you need new tires, stop by one of Mavis Tires & Brakes locations. Our comprehensive tire and service warranty covers you across the country.

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