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Car Care Tips for College Students

Many college students live off-campus and cannot always rely on public transportation. From attending classes to going to your local supermarket, cars have become a fundamental necessity in a student's life. However, having a car is not that simple; it is not just a mode of commuting, but something you should take care of regularly. Here are a few tips on how to look after your car:


If not changed for a , oil cannot work . You should change your oil every 5,000-7,000 miles. Oil can stop working for a range of reasons, depending on the way you drive, different climates, and how frequently you drive your vehicle. If oil is ineffectual, it cannot lubricate the engine properly, which can lead to severe overheating, parts of the engine wearing out, and being unable to neutralize acids. If you cannot change the oil schedule an appointment with a local auto shop. The service is professional, quick, and inexpensive.


Coolants are a mixture of 50% antifreeze and 50%water. Coolant systems should be changed approximately every 20,000 to 40,000 miles or once a year, depending on whichever happens first, as coolant can become acidic over time.

Failure in changing your coolant can lead to corrosion and an improperly working cooling system. Severe corrosion engines or parts of an engine not working properly.

The cooling system also needs to be flushed to eliminate contaminants that could be the car. Some common symptoms of a damaged cooling system are overheating, the need to add coolant regularly, and leaks.


Try to keep your car as clean as possible. Collecting trash out of your car every week, cleaning your shoes before entering the car, not eating food in your vehicle, and washing on a regular basis can make a significant difference and keep it running smoothly. Also, harsh weather conditions like snow can damage your windshields and lights, so clean them often, too.


Wax can protect the car from scratches and make it extra shiny. Nothing keeps the looking good and protected like a coat of quality wax. Wax also helps in protecting the car from harmful UV rays and other harsh elements.

Wax should be applied every six months. will not only give the paint a good is also the only line of defense against scratches. Failing to wax can diminish the shine and cause the paint to fade, and make it more prone to damage, thereby decreasing the car's resale value, too.


Grease is a lubricant that is used to battle against comes in a range of varieties, depending on their viscosities and thickness, from 0 to 6, with zero being the softest and six being the hardest.


Brake fluid absorbs moisture from the air, which can lead to corrosion of the car parts. This can also the brakes hot, which overheating of the fluid and causing the brakes to fail. Other similar types of brake failure can occur mountain driving, hard driving, or an . Change your brake fluid every five years if possible. Also, take extra care while coming in contact with brake fluid, as it could be very your skin.


Protecting the inside of your car is equally important to protecting the outside. Constant warm weather, especially in the summer season, can damage the interior plastic. if not possible, then either use window tint blocks or apply a UV protectant.


Out of all the parts in a car, the tires are arguably the most important part, as they are in constant motion and always in contact with the road. Even driving on paved roads can lead to uneven wearing of the tires. smoother ride, even out the wear, and extend the lives of the tires at the same time, thereby saving you money and time.

When tires wear unevenly, it causes increased road noise and vibrations. The vibrations are most commonly noticed in the steering wheel.


Some of these tips might seem overwhelming, but servicing your vehicle at a reputable auto shop before departing for college will help to ensure a safe semester. Also, take weather conditions at your college into consideration. College students live in different areas and different climates. Match your routine car maintenance to the climate. For example, students attending colleges with winter-like conditions will need all-weather tires and good windshield wipers. If you take care of your vehicle regularly, then you will have a smooth ride for the rest of your college life!

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